Quincy here from the SketchUp Essentials customer service team!

Here's some of our more frequently asked questions to get you started!

Frequently Asked Questions

Log-In Information

Troubleshooting common email issues - 

Is it possible you're trying the wrong email address? Before contacting support, try:

  • a different email
  • searching your email addresses for your welcome email
  • the "forgot my password" option on the login page with each of your email addresses until you get the right one

2. You can't find the login page link

3. You've not yet completed your registration. If none of your emails work and you have no confirmation emails in your email search (check SPAM folders), it's possible that a glitch in the system prevented you from completing your signup. 

If you've checked all of those things and the reset password link didn't work for you, contact support to check your account and/or reset your password.

Update Billing Information

I need to update my billing. How do I do that?

  1. Log in
  2. Click your profile picture at the top right (may be a default profile image)
  3. Click settings from the drop-down menu
  4. On the settings page, click "billing" at the top right
  5. Update information


Or... click this link

I need to cancel my subscription

Was it something we said? :(

We hope it's just a timing issue and we'll see you again soon!

Please follow this link to cancel your membership.

Read the Terms and Conditions Here


I'm having other billing problems - what do I do?


Send an email to support(at)thesketchupessentials.com and we'll try to get you helped out!